Climb Right RVA - A FREE Event 4/7-4/8


Unfortunately, due to a rainy forecast, we are cancelling the Saturday portion of Climb Right RVA. We will still be having the party at Väsen Brewing Company from 6pm-10pm on Saturday night, so we hope to see you there. Sunday is looking clear and good to go! Thank you for your support.

Saturday April 7 from 6PM-10pm @ Väsen brewing co.
Sunday April 8 from 10am-3pm @ Manchester Wall

It's that time again! As Winter thaws out and turns into Spring, we all get excited to go out and climb. To prepare for these trips, Peak Expeditions is hosting a Climb Right event at Manchester wall on Sunday, April 8th, as well as a party to kick off the event at Väsen Brewing Co. on Saturday, April 7th.

This event is FREE and classes will run every 2 hours, first come, first serve for participants. Participants should bring personal gear such as harness, shoes, and belay device.  We will have top-rope climbing available for first-time climbers and gear will be provided.  We hope you can join us for this fun and unique learning opportunity!

Classes running every 2 hours:

1) Intro to Outdoor Climbing - an entry level course which discusses the challenges of climbing outdoors and the environmental responsibilities. We will cover everything from what climbing outdoors looks like to LNT, and general ethics of being at the crag.

2) Sport Climbing Outdoors - this course builds on the intro course and instructs specifics of sport leading, belaying, and anchor building.

3) Minimizing Risk - this is a highly recommended course for anyone climbing outdoors or wanting to climb outdoors. The most accidents happen during transitions and descending routes. We will instruct the best ways to clean anchors and lowering or repelling routes. We strongly recommend this course to all climbers regardless of experience!

4) Climbing Movement and Strategies - this course covers techniques for moving on the rock. We will teach; warming up prior to a climb , all the different hand and foot placements, how to rest, strategies for reading a route, etc....

5) Intro to Trad Climbing - this course is an introduction to Trad gear and placements. We will discuss different types of gear and how they all work. 

6) Advanced Trad - this course takes it to the next level with a strong focus on anchors and actual hands on placement of gear. We will customize the course specifically for the needs of the people attending. 

7) Self Rescue - this will be the most advanced course we will be offering. We will discus theories and practice different scenarios that you might find in the mountains. We will have a Q&A at the beginning to get a solid feel for what people want/need to learn. 

*Manchester Wall accessible from T.Tyler Potterfield Memorial Bridge or south side access.   


Members Only Week @ Peak RVA - 4/19-4/26


Whipper Therapy Class Back in April