Please take a moment to review our gym rules and policies before climbing at one of our climbing centers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at (804) 655-2628 or email us at info@peakexperiences.com.
We look forward to climbing with you!
All Climbers and observers must have a signed Assumption of Risks on file with Peak Experiences.
Wear closed toe shoes while climbing. No bare feet, please.
Save energy for climbing by only walking in the gym, no running.
No food or drinks in the climbing areas. Please keep them in your cubby.
Don’t swing on our ropes.
Respect others, and refrain from using inappropriate language.
Cool route? No kidding, but lets not hog it.
No free soloing.
No climbing shoes in the restrooms. It’s gross!
Only harnesses designed for climbing are allowed. No tree-climbing harnesses are allowed. We reserve the right to disapprove of your harness, and provide you with a rental harness if necessary.
Consumption of alcohol or other controlled substances is not permitted at Peak Experiences or before climbing with us.
Our challenge course platform at Peak Midlothian may only be used during challenge course activities when supervised by a staff member. Same with rappelling.
You must be 16 years or older to operate and/or utilize fitness equipment.
Closed toed shoes are required in the fitness area.
Do not drop the weights.
Please use a spotter and weight collars when needed
Be considerate of others in the space.
Return all equipment and weights to designated areas after each use— no equipment may leave the fitness or studio areas
Sanitize equipment after each use.
No food or open drinks in the fitness areas.
As of 3/11/22 our COVID policy is as follows: all members, guests, and staff may wear a mask based on their personal preference, informed by their personal level of risk.
Climbing is for everyone!
We at Peak Experiences are committed to providing a space that is welcoming, accepting, inclusive, comfortable and fun where everyone has an equal opportunity to strive towards their goals and potential.
We all play a vital role in creating this environment. No person in our community should feel slighted, disrespected, violated, marginalized or unwelcome.
When you visit our facilities and participate in our programs, you agree to embrace these principles of basic human respect:
Show respect for others regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ability, stature or any other status.
Communicate your physical and emotional boundaries, and respect the physical and emotional boundaries of others.
Be certain you have permission before touching others, spotting or providing climbing “beta”.
Speak to others with caring and kindness.
Refrain from commenting about another person's appearance. You have no idea how your comments could affect them.
Observe the effects of your words and actions. Even if those effects are unintended, make appropriate adjustments when needed or asked.
Embrace opportunities to have hard conversations. Stay calm, listen, keep an open mind, and share your thoughts in a respectful way.
Respond to situations. If you see something inappropriate, say something.
In order to preserve the quality of everyone’s experience, it may be necessary to ask individuals that do not follow this code to leave. Together, we can collectively control what happens within our community. Please help us continue to show that at Peak Experiences,
Climbing area rules
The only people allowed to give instruction regarding auto belays, roped climbing, and belay devices are our instructors.
No instruction by members or customers of any kind is allowed at Peak Experiences.
If you do not follow these rules and policies, we reserve the right to remove you from our gym.
Bouldering and traversing are not allowed over gravel flooring at our Midlothian Facility.
Do not climb on top of or “top out” on our climbing walls. Please down-climb carefully.
Do not lay or sit below climbers.
Keep the boulder mats free of water bottles and cell phones. They hurt to fall on.
No bouldering above first bolt in the route areas.
Certifications from other climbing centers do not carry over.
All climbers wishing to use the auto belays must complete and pass the Peak Experiences Auto Belay Certification Test.
If the climber is under 16, they must be clipped in by a 16+ person who is Auto-Belay Certified. They must be supervised while climbing as well.
There is no minimum age for using an auto belay, but the minimum weight is 25lbs. The maximum weight to use an auto-belay is 300lbs.
Double and triple check that you are clipped into the belay loop on your harness.
Do not grab quickdraws, ropes, or bolts while you are climbing.
We do not recommend taking things onto the auto-belay with you, but if you choose to, please make sure any cellphone, MP3 player, or headphones are securely attached to you. Any damage to these items is at the climber’s own risk.
Anyone wanting to belay must pass the Peak Experiences Top Rope Belay Test. Each belay device that you use, you must pass a separate Belay Test.
Belay tags must be displayed at all times while belaying.
The minimum age to belay is 13. If between the ages of 13-15, they must pass the belay test 7 times in a row to get certified. Belayers between 8-13 may become belay certified if they are a member of our of our youth programs.
Never take your brake hand off the rope no matter which belay device you are using.
We only allow belay methods that keep a solid brake hand on the brake strand at all times. That brake hand must remain the same hand for the entire duration of the climb, with the only two exceptions being a controlled hand switch when moving to lower. These exceptions include; left-handed Gri-Gri users may switch to their right hand to lower, and belayers using the Slip Slap Slide belay method may flip their brake hand in order to lower the climber.
We request and strongly recommend a figure 8 knot with a finishing knot as it helps our staff to quickly be able to see if you're tied in correctly.
You may use your own UIAA approved belay device and locking carabiner with our ropes. You may not belay with hitches or figure 8 devices.
You must tie directly into your harness per manufacturer’s directions.
You may anchor in on your belay loop using the ground anchors. (Only available at Midlothian location.)
We use a double wrap, or friction hitch, on the belay bar, which allows a weight difference of 130lbs between the climber and belayer.
Always stand while belaying and lower climbers slowly and in a controlled manner.
In order to Lead climb, climbers must be 13 years of age or older and must pass our Lead Climbing Test.
In order to Lead Belay, belayers must be 16 years of age or older and must pass the Lead Belay Test. Belayers must re-test for each different belay device they use.
Manage risks appropriately before first quick draw. Spot your climber.
Belay cards must be worn at all times while belaying.
Climbers must use their own rope. We ask that you refrain from putting your rope in your mouth while climbing. You should thoroughly inspect your rope prior to each climb.
We request and strongly recommend a figure 8 knot with a finishing knot as it helps our staff to quickly be able to see if you're tied in correctly.
No skipping clips.
We do allowed climbers to 'follow' or 'second' our routes, but the climber and the belayer must be lead climbing certified.
There is no rule regarding weight difference between climbers and belayers, but if this is your situation, we recommend that you purchase an Ohm.
Never allow your slack to drop below your knees. If the climber is below the third quickdraw, less slack may be appropriate for a smaller belayer. Use your head, and alert staff if you are unsure about something.
Be alert and make sure your clipping line does not intersect or come too close to another climber’s line. Do not climb under or directly next to another climber. We’re all friendly here, it’s always better to talk to your neighboring climbers before jumping on a route.
No cell phones or other devices are allowed to be used while lead climbing or lead belaying.
testing cheat sheets
Got text anxiety? Here’s a list of what we cover in our certification tests.
Everyone must agree that they have watched the Orientation Video in order to boulder.
Certifications from other gyms do not carry over.
Demonstrate a figure 8 knot with a finishing knot, tied into the correct location on your harness. A great resource for this is here.
Demonstrate and use proper climbing commands and checks.
Demonstrate use of approved belay technique that allows for the brake hand to never leave the rope. (We prefer the PLUS or PBUS method.)
Catch 1 announced fall and 2 unannounced falls.
Use of proper controlled lowering technique.
Perform necessary checks prior to climbing.
Demonstrate knowledge of back-clipping and z-clipping.
Demonstrate knowledge of proper cold-shut and (opposite and opposed) quickdraw anchoring.
Take a fall.
Must flake rope and understand why that is necessary.
Correctly set up their belay device per manufacturer’s recommendations with an appropriate amount of rope between belayer and climber. Each belay device used must be tested separately.
Provide adequate protection to climber prior to first quickdraw.
Demonstrate giving a ‘take’.
Demonstrate proper and adequate amount of slack paid out.
Must provide a dynamic and soft catch of an announced fall. Proper orientation to the wall will be noted.
Must be able to notice and notify the climber any of the climber’s mistakes.