Like the name indicates, this camp is all about having a wicked good time – without kayaking or climbing.

This is the perfect camp for our older campers who want to plan their own camp days.  Try to keep up with us as we take on the wet zip-line, river swim, rope swing, 350' zip-line, and explore the sweetest spots in the James River Park System. This camp is also ideal for those who want to take a break from their pursuit of becoming a Passages Jedi Master in our Rock and River Master Program. This camp will not make you a stronger climber or kayaker but it will make you fall asleep every night with a great big smile on your face. This will be your new favorite thing. You’re going to love it like a snow day!


  • Ages: 11-15 (all genders)

  • Cost: $795

2025 camp sessions:

  • July 28th - August 1st (FULL)

  • August 4th - 8th (SPACE LIMITED)

Expect the unexpected! We have a ton of micro-adventures for our Blast Camp to choose from. Of course, we want to hit the all-time favorites like the rope swing, the 100’ slip-n-slide, and zip-lining into the water. Unlike many other Passage Camps, The Blast has tremendous flexibility to craft each day’s activities around the consensus we build amongst our Campers and Staff. As a group, we put a great deal of energy and expectation into developing group cohesion and a can-do atmosphere. Many of the Campers who attend this Camp love being around older kids and think of it as a wicked-fun vacation from the hard-core skill-building of our other programs. One of our goals is to help you develop your people skills and prepare yourself to apply for a job at Passages.

We are psyched for another great season and looking forward to working hard and playing hard with this summer's campers. Come to camp with your game face on and be prepared for some hard-core coaching and fun.

more details about the blast