Coronavirus Precautions

Dear Valued Members,

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Like so many of you, we have spent the last several weeks learning about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and how it is impacting the world around us. During this time, the health and well-being of our guests and staff remain our top priority. In light of growing concerns about the spread of COVID-19 we want to make you aware of actions we have been taking to fulfill this commitment, along with some ways you can help.

Steps we’re taking in our facilities and with our staff:

  • Increased cleaning in our facilities.

  • Our staff will be regularly disinfecting surfaces such as railings, doors, door handles, counter tops, fitness equipment, yoga mats, computers, phones, iPads, and bathrooms.

  • Increased availability of disinfecting and sanitizing materials for your use throughout our facilities.

  • Increased deep cleaning outside of normal operating hours.

  • Encouraging all employees to practice respiratory etiquette, hand hygiene, and other precautionary measures that mitigate transmission.

  • Instructing sick employees to stay home, and sending home any employees who appear to have acute respiratory illnesses (i.e., cough, shortness of breath).

What we’re asking of you:

  • Feeling sick? Skip your climbing sessions until you feel better.

  • Do not wear climbing shoes into the bathroom.

  • Wash your hands vigorously for no less than 20 seconds with soap and water, especially after coughing or blowing your nose.

  • Sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are also available for use.

  • Cough into a tissue or your shirt. But a reminder, if you’re coughing a lot it’s probably best to avoid the gym. Other members and the community will thank you!

  • If possible, avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes while in the gym, and avoid person to person contact.

Your health and safety are extremely important to us, and our goal is to manage the risk so that Peak facilities continue to be a place where you can come and climb, work out, and socialize. As we continue to monitor the CDC and WHO information on the Coronavirus, we will keep you updated on any changes to our operations or procedures by way of our website and social media. 

If you have any questions please contact one of our facilities, or email

Thank you for taking this situation seriously and doing your part to keep calm and climb on! 

UPDATE TO OUR RICHMOND LOCATION: SCOR has made the decision to close their facility, but our climbing facility is still open. Be aware that the bathroom in the blue SCOR building is closed and locked. You will still enter through the main entrance in the blue building and proceed up the corridor as you normally would, then follow signage for the bathroom located next to the entrance to the outdoor field. See a Peak staff member if you have questions. We ask that you please respect SCOR and their space while they are closed.


Temporary Closure due to Coronavirus


USAC Divisionals - Volunteers Needed