Temporary Closure due to Coronavirus

Dear Peak Community,


Peak Experiences is committed to protecting our community during the COVID-19 outbreak. In that spirit, we have decided to close both of our climbing gyms and cancel all classes and events effective Monday, March 16th.  We will continue to update you regarding any changes to this timeframe, and will reopen when we can responsibly do so.

We understand that climbing and our gyms are an important part of your lives. This decision was not an easy one to make. Many of you have thanked us for remaining open and providing a place to relieve your anxieties. Remaining open also allows us to maximize the financial security of our employees. However, the health and safety of our members, guests and employees remains our highest priority. Even though we have no knowledge of any infected person entering our facilities, we’ve made this decision to do our part in protecting our community.

MEMBERS: All memberships will have a prorated credit applied to the next billing cycle or be frozen during this closure and reactivated when we reopen. You do not have to do anything to process that. Our normal $20 freeze fee will of course be waived. Prepaid memberships will have their end date extended proportionally to the duration of our closure.

GROUP, CLASS AND CLIMBING PROGRAM REGISTRANTS: If you have paid a deposit or fee for a group or class taking place during this temporary closure, we will be reaching out to you to discuss options for rescheduling, or being credited or refunded.

PASSAGES ADVENTURE CAMPS: We fully expect to run our summer camp programs on schedule. We encourage you to continue to register for our summer sessions which are filling quickly.

We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time. For over 21 years Peak Experiences has been humbled by the compassion and commitment of our community. We look forward to reopening as soon as it’s appropriate in order to give all of us the opportunity to come together again. Until then, continue to support each other and remain the passionate and positive people that you are. Physical distance is important, but please help us to maintain our connection to each other. Reach out to your friends and family frequently, and to us anytime. We will continue to monitor our membership portal, emails and social media sites. Together, we will get through this.

Here are some relevant email contacts should you have any questions:

For our Midlothian facility operational questions contact: neil@peakexperiences.com

For our Richmond facility operational questions contact: keith@peakexperiences.com

For Passages Adventure Camps questions contact: tobin@peakexperiences.com

For Jr. Climbing Team, Training Team and High School Clubs contact: sam@peakexperiences.com

For Competitive Team questions contact: mlondrey@gmail.com

For membership or group events specific questions contact: info@peakexperiences.com


Dear Greater Richmond,


Coronavirus Precautions