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Temporary Closure due to Coronavirus

Dear Peak Community,


Peak Experiences is committed to protecting our community during the COVID-19 outbreak. In that spirit, we have decided to close both of our climbing gyms and cancel all classes and events effective Monday, March 16th.  We will continue to update you regarding any changes to this timeframe, and will reopen when we can responsibly do so.

We understand that climbing and our gyms are an important part of your lives. This decision was not an easy one to make. Many of you have thanked us for remaining open and providing a place to relieve your anxieties. Remaining open also allows us to maximize the financial security of our employees. However, the health and safety of our members, guests and employees remains our highest priority. Even though we have no knowledge of any infected person entering our facilities, we’ve made this decision to do our part in protecting our community.

MEMBERS: All memberships will have a prorated credit applied to the next billing cycle or be frozen during this closure and reactivated when we reopen. You do not have to do anything to process that. Our normal $20 freeze fee will of course be waived. Prepaid memberships will have their end date extended proportionally to the duration of our closure.

GROUP, CLASS AND CLIMBING PROGRAM REGISTRANTS: If you have paid a deposit or fee for a group or class taking place during this temporary closure, we will be reaching out to you to discuss options for rescheduling, or being credited or refunded.

PASSAGES ADVENTURE CAMPS: We fully expect to run our summer camp programs on schedule. We encourage you to continue to register for our summer sessions which are filling quickly.

We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time. For over 21 years Peak Experiences has been humbled by the compassion and commitment of our community. We look forward to reopening as soon as it’s appropriate in order to give all of us the opportunity to come together again. Until then, continue to support each other and remain the passionate and positive people that you are. Physical distance is important, but please help us to maintain our connection to each other. Reach out to your friends and family frequently, and to us anytime. We will continue to monitor our membership portal, emails and social media sites. Together, we will get through this.

Here are some relevant email contacts should you have any questions:

For our Midlothian facility operational questions contact:

For our Richmond facility operational questions contact:

For Passages Adventure Camps questions contact:

For Jr. Climbing Team, Training Team and High School Clubs contact:

For Competitive Team questions contact:

For membership or group events specific questions contact:

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Coronavirus Precautions

Dear Valued Members,

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Like so many of you, we have spent the last several weeks learning about COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and how it is impacting the world around us. During this time, the health and well-being of our guests and staff remain our top priority. In light of growing concerns about the spread of COVID-19 we want to make you aware of actions we have been taking to fulfill this commitment, along with some ways you can help.

Steps we’re taking in our facilities and with our staff:

  • Increased cleaning in our facilities.

  • Our staff will be regularly disinfecting surfaces such as railings, doors, door handles, counter tops, fitness equipment, yoga mats, computers, phones, iPads, and bathrooms.

  • Increased availability of disinfecting and sanitizing materials for your use throughout our facilities.

  • Increased deep cleaning outside of normal operating hours.

  • Encouraging all employees to practice respiratory etiquette, hand hygiene, and other precautionary measures that mitigate transmission.

  • Instructing sick employees to stay home, and sending home any employees who appear to have acute respiratory illnesses (i.e., cough, shortness of breath).

What we’re asking of you:

  • Feeling sick? Skip your climbing sessions until you feel better.

  • Do not wear climbing shoes into the bathroom.

  • Wash your hands vigorously for no less than 20 seconds with soap and water, especially after coughing or blowing your nose.

  • Sanitizer and disinfectant wipes are also available for use.

  • Cough into a tissue or your shirt. But a reminder, if you’re coughing a lot it’s probably best to avoid the gym. Other members and the community will thank you!

  • If possible, avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes while in the gym, and avoid person to person contact.

Your health and safety are extremely important to us, and our goal is to manage the risk so that Peak facilities continue to be a place where you can come and climb, work out, and socialize. As we continue to monitor the CDC and WHO information on the Coronavirus, we will keep you updated on any changes to our operations or procedures by way of our website and social media. 

If you have any questions please contact one of our facilities, or email

Thank you for taking this situation seriously and doing your part to keep calm and climb on! 

UPDATE TO OUR RICHMOND LOCATION: SCOR has made the decision to close their facility, but our climbing facility is still open. Be aware that the bathroom in the blue SCOR building is closed and locked. You will still enter through the main entrance in the blue building and proceed up the corridor as you normally would, then follow signage for the bathroom located next to the entrance to the outdoor field. See a Peak staff member if you have questions. We ask that you please respect SCOR and their space while they are closed.

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December Holiday Hours


PeakRVA and Peak Midlo

Tues. Dec 24th - 6am-4pm

Wed. Dec 25th - CLOSED

Sat. Dec 28th - 10am-5pm (We will be closing early for a staff appreciation night)

Tues. Dec 31st - 6am-4pm

Wed. Jan 1st - 1pm-10pm (Midlo), 1pm-11pm (RVA)

  • Open Climb will run from 10am-3pm Mon-Fri the week of 12/23-12/27 and 12/30-1/3

  • Fitness classes are cancelled on 12/26 with limited classes 12/27

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Peak Member Guest Pass Special


November 24 - December 1

  • All Peak Memberships will receive 7 additional Guest Passes

  • Use throughout the week or all at once

  • See a Manager at the front desk to redeem passes

Bring in your visiting friends and family to climb at Peak!

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Auto-Belays Back at PeakRVA


AUTO-BELAYS are BACK at PeakRVA! We have 6 up and the rest will be back in a few more weeks. Thanks to everyone for your patience while they were in the shop.

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PeakRVA Auto-Belay Recall


**PLEASE NOTE - 10/21/19 - The manufacturer of our auto-belays at PeakRVA, C3, has issued a recall on all our systems. This means that all of our auto-belays at RVA will be out of commission until they’ve been serviced and sent back to us. The True Blue auto-belays at Peak Midlo will remain available for use.

We apologize for the inconvenience this will cause in the coming weeks. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Read the recall notice.

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Cheers To You Jay Smith

Dear Peak Climbing Community,

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This is an exciting time for me. After twenty years of growth and accomplishment, I have decided it is time for me to move on from my professional roles with Peak. Put simply, after so long in one industry I am eager to try something new. The past few years of planning, building and opening our second facility have been a time of tremendous challenges and I could not be more proud of what has been accomplished. The vital support of all of our members and customers has allowed Peak to grow beyond all expectations. Seeing such a vibrant community filled with caring, supportive and engaged members has and will continue to fill me with pride and happiness. Thank you for all of your personal support and encouragement throughout the years.

Many of you that know me know that I am not one for many words. Nothing that I could write could adequately express my feelings as I look back on the last 20 years at Peak. I will forever be grateful for every experience and interaction with each of you. The best part for me is knowing that the family I have known for 20 years will still be a part of my life.


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Holiday Hours and Logistics

Holiday Hours:

Peak RVA

  • Wed Nov. 21 - open 8am-11pm (10am-3pm Open Climb walk-ins)

  • Thurs Nov. 22 - CLOSED for Thanksgiving

  • Fri Nov. 23 - Open 8am-11pm (10am-3pm Open Climb walk-ins)
    No Fitness Classes Friday 11/23

Peak Midlo

  • Wed Nov. 21 - open 9am-10pm (10am-3pm Open Climb walk-ins)

  • Thurs Nov. 22 - CLOSED for Thanksgiving

  • Fri Nov. 23 - Open 9am-10pm (10am-3pm Open Climb walk-ins)
    No Fitness Classes Friday 11/23

As the leaves change and the crisp fall temperatures arrive, we expect more traffic at Peak and the SCOR complex as a whole.  We want you to be aware of a few things as this time quickly approaches:

Parking spots will fill quickly in the evenings and on weekends.  Please try to carpool with others when you can.  Be sure to only park in designated parking spots, and always be aware of posted “No Parking” zones.  Our wonderful neighbors across the street, E.A. Holsten Inc, have graciously opened up their parking to us after 5pm on weeknights and weekends, so you can use the lot directly across from the entrance on Overbrook Road when needed as well. 


Be sure to always enter through the main entrance in the large blue SCOR building.  Other doors on the complex are only for emergency exit, or may not be open on a regular basis, so your best bet is to always use that entrance. 

Ride your bike (with proper lighting at night, and a helmet of course) and use the external bike rack at the entrance to the blue SCOR building, or the internal bike rack by the Peak front desk.  If you do ride your bike, bikes can only be brought into the building through the blue building entrance and corridor. 

Don’t tempt thieves!  Be sure to always lock your car doors and do not leave valuables visible through windows.  SCOR does provide lockers in one of the sets of bathrooms on the complex, but be sure to bring your own lock.  See staff for details.

The Peak facility will be very busy at times, so please be respectful of those around you and always practice proper climbing etiquette.  If you see a situation that warrants attention, please do not hesitate to speak with a Peak staff member immediately.

Thanks to each of you for climbing with us, and for being a part of the wonderful Peak family!  We look forward to climbing with you throughout fall and winter!

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